(The following is my TWIRP for the weeks of a long time ago to March 2, 2007. Enjoy...)
Well, well, well...(Have you ever wondered why we say things in groups of three like that?) it has been a long time. I must say, when I gave my last post the title of "One Final Word," I didn't really mean it literally. What, you might ask, has prevented me from updating my blog in nearly 2 months? Well, the title of this post is intended to answer the question in part. Let me fill in some of the blanks from the last few weeks...
I have been very busy in recent weeks with sports. One sport in particular has captured my attention and time--basketball. I finished up my inaugural season as the Junior High Boys basketball coach with a 2nd place finish and a season record of 6-14. In case you are wondering how we could finish 2nd with a record like 6-14, let me an an addendum--our conference record was 5-3. We ended the season in just about the best way we could as a young team. We lost by 12 points in the state championship game, but it was one of our best games of the year. I have never been a part of a basketball game where there was so much energy and momentum on our side. It is something I will not soon forget. I have also been busy with the Varsity Boys Basketball team. I am the team's designated videographer, and I have tried to burn as many of the games onto DVD as possible. Basketball season officially ended last weekend, but we had two final roundball activities this week. On Tuesday, our school went to Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland and played an exhibition game with another Christian school on the same floor where the Cavs and their overexposed leader LeBron James play. I really had a blast getting to prowl around the Cavs Arena, but I was further entrenched in my dislike for professional basketball that night when we watched the Cavs beat the Hornets. I think the letters NBA should stand for "Narcisistic Big-Headed Athletes." Give me a college game over a pro game any day! The final chapter in our school's basketball season is the All-Star game which will be played tonight. I am going to announce the game and have some fun while I'm doing it.
The other big story in our lives of late has been snow. For the first 16 months of our sojourn here in Ohio, Danielle and I had both been rather disappointed in the lack of winter weather. In the first two weeks of February, Ohio gave us her best shot at a winter storm. Locally, we got about 4 to 5 inches of snow and were rated at a level 2 snow emergency. (I'm not exactly sure what that means, but the reporters on the local news broadcast seemed to think it was a big deal.) The biggest impact this storm had in our lives was the fact that we missed 4 days of school as a result. I used this extra time to sleep in and to work on a home video project that some of you will be seeing in the near future. (I hope.) I might have enjoyed these days off more if we hadn't already lost 3 days of school the week before because it was cold. That's right--it was cold. The mercury dipped below the 0 mark for a few days, and all the local schools cancelled. Apparently this is a common practice around here, but it was new to both Danielle and I. I've never lived in a place where schools are closed because it's cold. The net result of all of this is that we exceeded our state-allotted number of inclement weather days for the school year, and we will probably have to make some days up later on.
The final portion of the title for this post is the word sovereignty. I included that, not because sovereignty has kept me busy lately, but because I have been thinking about sovereignty in relation to some of the other aspects of my life recently. I wonder, how does God's sovereignty relate to things such as a sporting event or a snowday? How does God decide if the free throw goes in or not? Does a hastily whispered prayer right before releasing the ball actually affect whether or not the shot is made? Does God take an interest in who wins the Super Bowl? What about all of those kids praying in their beds for a snowday? Does the fact that a winter storm blows through that night have any connection to those requests? I don't really know, but it gives you a brief glimpse into the mental processes of my mind.
Meanwhile, in other news--our beloved Chevy Cavalier is in the shop for repairs after a large red pickup backed into it on Monday; Eldan is on the verge of walking; Danielle had a run-in with shingles a few weeks back (and I'm not talking about the kind on your roof); and I am in the middle of making the hardest decision of my school year--who will get to play a role in this year's school play. We are doing a Sherlock Holmes mystery this year, The Hound of the Baskervilles. It should be an enjoyable production, and I will have more to say and show about it in coming weeks. For now, the snow is melting, spring (and daylight savings time) are coming, and the weekend awaits...
1 comment:
I am canceling my non-subscription to your non-existent RSS feed. Although, since you update your blog as often as Microsoft updates Windows, it might be a nice reminder for me to buy a new mattress and replace the roof on my house. It could be God telling me to free my slaves and return the property I purchased.
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