Bearing all that in mind, I do have some thoughts about our president-elect that I would like to share. I have decided that the best way to do that is to share them directly with the one to whom these thoughts pertain. And so (with the realization that there is very little chance of him ever actually reading this), I hesitantly present...
An Open Letter to President-Elect Obama
Dear Mr. Obama,
Let me begin by saying "Congratulations!" on your recent election. Although I did not vote for you, I understand that you ran a vigorous campaign that will most likely change the way future presidential campaigns are run. I also understand the significance of your election in terms of the ongoing struggle against prejudice and bigotry in the human race. I admire anyone who endures the year-long meat-grinder we Americans call a presidential election, and I can only imagine what it must be like to work so hard for something you want so badly, and then to reach your goal.
Now, I will be honest with you. If you and I were to sit down for a cup of coffee (which I don't even drink) and a conversation about politics, I fear there would be very few things on which we would agree. In some areas (such as the plight of the unborn), I believe you to be absolutely wrong in your position. That notwithstanding, I want to ask you to do a couple of things for me as you begin your presidency. I know your time is limited so I will try be brief.
1) Please remember that you are now (or rather will be as of January 20th) my President. I have always had a patriotic streak in me, and I have always had a sense of wonder and amazement at the office of President. I love the White House. I love Air Force One. I love all the decorum and protocol that goes with the position. Please don't do anything to lessen my respect for this office. I have two young children, and I intend to raise them with the same patriotic spirit. I realized tonight that what I want more than anything else from you (more than a better economy or improved healthcare) is that you be an honorable, reliable, trustworthy, decent leader--both on and off the camera. I may not appreciate many of your policies, but please don't ever give me reason not to appreciate your position. If you will treat the office with respect, I promise to do the same for you.
2) Please don't ever underestimate the potential of those around the world who seek to harm us and our way of life. Please don't forget how you felt on a Tuesday morning several years back. I, like so many others, think that peace is a much better option than conflict. But please don't purchase peace at any price. Please be wise in how you utilize our armed services. But remember, they have made the commitment to defend our nation at any cost. If some of these courageous men and women have to pay that ultimate cost in order to prevent our enemies from prevailing over us, please accept this as a difficult, tragic, but necessary part of living in a free land.
3) Please give your two precious little girls the guidance and leadership that they need. I know the demands on you will be great and that your time will be limited--maybe more so than any other father in the country--but your girls will need you. Your wife will too. Leading a family is not an easy task by any means (I have failed mine more times than I care to recall), but it is a necessary task.
4) I don't know exactly what your beliefs are concerning the Bible, but I ask lastly that you seek God's wisdom in all that you do. I believe that God can and will use you to accomplish whatever He wills for our nation. Please align yourself with His plan in every way possible. If that means you have to do things differently than you were originally planning, please do things His way. We will all be a lot better off, but you will be the one to benefit the most, I promise.
I don't know how you will take these suggestions, but I can promise you this from me and my family. We will pray for you and your family, we will honor and respect you, and we will do our best to live honorable lives as citizens of this country and as justified children of God.
Oh, and one more thing--have fun. You are gonna be the PRESIDENT!
Your fellow American,
Andrew D. Doan